Giving Thanks ~As Thanksgiving approaches I am reminded once again of the blessings in my life and I wake up each day giving thanks for all that is around me. Life is such a treasure, it is amazing that we can become so bogged down in the problems we have created for ourselves that we forget what an absolute miracle it is that we are here at this moment in time and are able to choose our life’s course. Our freewill to decide how each day is going to play out for us is truly amazing. At any point in time we can change our attitude and by doing so can change what we perceive our life to be. We are what we think we are. I am thankful for the wonderful man that I love and who loves me in return. I am grateful for my friends and family who are a delight to be around. I am excited that as I have entered a new phase of life, the simple things are once again the important things. Waking up to a beautiful sunrise or settling down to a breathtaking sunset are only two of the most spectacular sights life has in store and they are here daily if we will only take the time to open our eyes.
Today I woke up and knew without a doubt that my life is absolutely lovely and that each day of the last few years have been a gift and a treasure. I am truly the most fortunate person in the world to be living my life. I am in love, happy and enjoying all that is before me – Bring on the day!!!!
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