He strolled in with a Daffodil He held in his hand. A symbol of love And our growing life plan. A smile and a card A kiss and a dream A love everlasting A most wondrous thing.
A small yellow flower That touches my soul A moment in time I’ll never let go.
As another day comes to a close and Winter begins to wane with Spring just out of reach, I begin to daydream and remember: Time has a way of rewriting the stories, of easing the pains and magnifying the celebrations. It has a way of healing our hearts and our souls of long lost loves and heartfelt pains. It is able to cure the deepest pain and in doing so help us to go on and make us willing and able to truly live again. In a way, what remains is only the best of the moments and the highlight reels. I think of this as a blessing, a second chance to give thanks for all that has come before and all that is in store. It gives us another chance to learn from the past and by learning we are able to look back with fondness and daydream and plan for the future while enjoying each moment we are fortunate enough to experience. The years have gone by with a speed that was unfathomable at 18. The years have become our past and if we are fortunate we have a story that is progressing into a novel we would be proud to have our children and grandchildren read.
Now I look with happiness at my daffodil, a beautiful yellow flower that symbolizes all the promises of new awakenings. My daffodil, showing me that the true gifts in my life are the unexpected pleasures and joys that come my way. My daffodil, reminding me of the “Daffodil Principle” where one woman accomplished a masterpiece by planting 5 acres, one bulb at a time. I know that I am on the right track, always searching, always hoping and always, always loving. Life is our most precious gift. ~ Live Life ~
(Image by Josephine Wall ~ Crystal of Enchantment) My living room is full of rainbows. Reflections on the walls show the magnificence of the complete spectrum. I am amazed. Amazed by their beauty Amazed by the splendor Amazed that such a simple sight can bring such joy. All of a sudden the whole room is aglow with rainbows, And I smile… I am transported back to a time when my children were younger. It’s funny how the concept of time changes as we age and mature. There were summers with my children that seemed to last forever. They were spent exploring, learning and enjoying our time. Because of them I continued to look at the world through my “rose colored glasses” and was able to expect the best out of life. We spent a lot of time reading and watching old movies and one of our favorites was the movie Pollyanna. When we first saw this I was amazed at the idea of rainbows covering the walls and transforming the ordinary and mundane into the extraordinary. I have carried this idea forth and love hanging crystals to watch the rainbows dance. I’ve realized that the simplest of things can bring the most joy and happiness to life. I have come to realize that there is always hope for a future made up of the dreams held onto tightly even if the dark shadows make it impossible to see. Only by believing and having faith that it is out there is it possible to expect and know that there is always a rainbow. I am living proof that a life can go from one of despair and unhappiness to one where each day is an absolute joy. Each day I count my blessings and know that I am truly blessed. In the movie, Pollyanna plays a game with life that she refers to as the “glad game.” The game consists of finding something to be glad about in every situation. She looks for the best in everyone and always tries to have a positive outlook on life. I have always loved the idea of this game and try daily to make it a part of my world. Each of our lives are filled with chances daily to see the good in the world and the positive aspects of life. It is up to us to choose whether we live this way or we live looking at the negative or bad parts. I believe completely that we make our own realities by the thoughts that we think on a daily basis. It is up to us to draw a magical world of splendor and fascination or a world filled with troubles and tribulations into our realities. When I see the light reflections from prisms or crystals I am reminded that even in our darkest times we can climb up from despair and make our individual world a wonderful and magical place. We have to only look for the magic in our everyday life. The magic is there… Can we see it??
SUNRISE S teadfast in the morning shadows – dependable and unencumbered U nexplainable beauty - imponderable with an evanescent glow N ew beginnings – believing and knowing R adiance ever-changing – transfixed in amazement I ridescent – magnified with beauty and magnificence S plendid – gentle and serene E verlasting wonder – treasures of a lifetime I remember long ago gazing over the rolling plains, to witness another amazing sunrise, I was mesmerized as the western skies of Wyoming seemed to transform themselves into a magnificent painting; a painting full of radiant color and luminance, a 3-d panorama of vivid iridescence. The reds, the violets, the pinks, all seem polarized and much more intense than expected. I was full of wonder and begin to realize the promise of what is ahead. Today I awoke to a most amazing sunrise and took a moment to count my blessings. Sunrise is a time filled with peacefulness and beauty, a moment made for reflecting and imagining, a moment in time when everything seems possible and the confines of the day have not yet begun to embrace us. It has a calmness and an allurement that engulfs the senses and manifests itself into whatever we can dream is before us. If I could be granted one wish today it would be that all those who are bound by shackles and blinders would be set free from the restraints that bind them. I wish that true freedom from sorrow and pain would be sprinkled down on humanity like a gentle soothing rain.
So… as the dawn of a new day beckons, our world is a blank canvas and our brushstrokes can design a world full of all we dare imagine it to be. There’s a peace and tranquility deep in my soul A confident feeling of finally letting go. Letting go of the past, letting go of my fears Letting go of the heartache, letting go of my tears. With you I am able, to live life on the line To hope for tomorrow, put the past behind. With a dream and a feeling, a hope and a prayer A love everlasting, free from despair. < It takes faith to believe, it also takes courage. Courage to turn away from the way it has always been and courage to venture forth in a new direction. It takes unwaivering belief to take off into the unknown, to dance in the rain, to walk the tightrop without a net. It takes faith and courage to know that life can truly be whatever we choose it to be, that life can be lived without following the bluprint of what others say can and can’t be done, that life can be lived by being true to oneself and by following one’s own direction and path. Life can be lived and should be lived through faith and by believing. I’ve decided to expect a revelation … projecting my vision onto my world – think and it becomes. I’m testing my resolve, I’m testing my resistance, I’m testing my vision of the world. I’ve decided, from this day forth, to live life to the fullest, to take chances, even if I am afraid, to trust completely and without restraint. I have decided to expect the best of people and never settle for less than that, to expect dreams to come true, to quit second guessing and to follow the direction and path my life is leading me in. One of my favorite movies is Under the Tuscan Sun. In this movie, there is a reference made to the Semmering Railway. The Semmering Railway was the genius of engineer Carl Ritter von Ghega. Von Ghega began planning the building of the railway in 1842 before any train of the time could possibly traverse such a steep grade. The railway began in Gloggnitz going over the Semmering Pass to Murzzuschlag. It was constructed betwen 1848 and 1854, contained 14 tunnels, 16 viaducts and involved the labor of 20,000 workers. The Semmering Railway is still a functional part of the Austrian Federal Railway.
As the cool winds begin to blow and the night air turns cool, I am reminded once again of the feelings of Fall. I look forward to warm crackling fires and nights spent camping under the magnificent star filled skies. The feel of a warm blanket as I snuggle down for the night. The sounds of the owl in the distance and the other noises that are so welcoming as the days grow shorter. I welcome the feelings of tranquility and satisfaction as the hot summer days wind to an end and the crisp cool air reminds me that winter is on the way.
Another Labor Day has come and gone. Another whirlwind time-travel around the sun. As another summer winds to a close I remember… I remember Bavaria. I remember the boat ride along the Rhine River with the wind blowing in my hair. I remember gazing out at the passing castles and reflecting on the beauty that was before me. I remember how much I wanted to stay in this beautiful country and savor every moment. As Autumn approaches I am reminded of Bavaria, though she is often in my thoughts. I am reminded and as always around this time of year….. I Remember. I am fascinated with lighthouses both figuratively and literally. I am drawn to their history and also their romantic analogy. I look at them and reflect on the mariners who have relied upon them, placed their trust in them and have been saved because of them. I also look to them as a symbol, a symbol of hope and a symbol of endurance and a symbol of dependability. I am blessed – I have friendships that are a constant in my life. They are like a beacon shining bright, leading me away from destruction and away from the rocky shores. Friendships, like lighthouses, can be perpetual and ever burning, helping us through turbulent times and shining bright with encouragement. Those who shine their light outward are rare and magnificent. They give off warmth and a glow that leads myself and others into their safety net and leads us away from the turbulent waters and rocks. They can be “an ever fixed mark” that we look to when our way is lost or has become unclear. Florida’s coastline is still dotted with many of these lighthouse remnants of the past and they hold a special place in the hearts of many Floridians and lighthouse enthusiasts who look to them with a source of pride. Most of the state’s 30 existing lighthouses offer photographers beautiful scenic backdrops to these lone-standing symbols of direction and hope. It seems that visiting and photographing lighthouses has become a popular hobby for many and I myself enjoy touring them whenever I get a chance.
I am thankful for my friends and their love. I am thankful that our friendships have endured the years of separation and have become bouyant once again. I am thankful for the memories of the wonderful days of youth that we are able to share together and reminisce about.
Like a lighthouse shining in the distance, our friendships have grown and flourished and brightened the landscape around us. They have brought us together into the future with a promise of more good days and good times ahead. As we go into the future, shining brightly, bringing pieces of our past with us and promises of the future, I am thankful and blessed to have these wonderful people and our friendships in my life.
For all of my childhood “Plains Gang” friends. This song, more than any other, helps me to remember “us”. For Now and Always ~ I Love You, Tammy
Ours is a love song that will play out through time. Ours is a true love, one only few will find. It’s a moment when we know, No matter where we go, Ours is a love song.
Finding hope and solace, in dreams of forever. Recognizing true love, when it’s right before our eyes. Expecting rainbows to appear to wash away the sorrow. Knowing that always… In its timeless replay of memories, Ours is a love song.
Moonlight strolls along white, sandy beaches. Drawing names in the sand and listening as the waves Crash along the shore. Understanding that today is not only a moment But a lifetime … Ours is a love song.
You share the adventures for the road that’s ahead. You’ve helped my dreams come true With every word that you’ve said. By understanding the lyrics that make up my life You seem to feel the music as we’re holding on tight. Ours is a love song.
W anting forever - having only a small amount of time to explore and experience O pen skies of Wyoming – radiating the most brilliant blues – never able to capture N atural settings of rivers and streams – hidden deep in the Colorado Rockies D aybreak as the sun peaks over the mountains - amazed by true joy E verlasting beauty not trampled or even experienced by most R ockie Mountain dreams of a slower world – the calm, the serenity, the awe |
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