Ahhh… the glory of knowing, without any wavering doubt;
Life Is Truly What We Believe It To Be.
People are ultimately good, if we look for the good; Miracles happen daily, if we only open our eyes; Love conquers evil, if we only believe.
Belief is a gift to become empowered by, it is a moment in time spent reveling in the impossible and knowing that the impossible has become reality. It is an acceptance of who we truly are and who we see ourselves becoming.
We are the culmination of all that we dream and believe ourselves to be.
One life is all we have and we live it as we believe in living it. But to sacrifice what you are and to live without belief, that is a fate more terrible than dying. ~ Joan of Arc
Live your beliefs and you can turn the world around. ~Henry David Thoreau
With belief comes recognition, recognition that our lives have a purpose and a reason for existing. It is not just a random draw; it is with purpose and dedication and perseverance that we mold our lives into what makes us happy and content. We fulfill our purpose by first recognizing and acknowledging what this entails for us.
As we strive to persevere and find love, joy and happiness; we must also realize that life is indeed fragile and that it must be respected and honored and celebrated.
Life is our most precious gift.
~ Live Life ~
No love, no friendship can cross the path of our destiny without leaving some mark on it forever.
~Francois Muriac
To all my childhood friends: You will be in my heart forver. ~ Thank You!!